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Dental Implant

What is an Implant and Why is it necessary?

A dental implant is a kind of screw that is placed in the area where the missing tooth is located in the jawbone. It is applied in case of any kind of tooth deficiency. Its raw material is titanium and this makes it strong and resistant. So that, if there is a missing tooth in the mouth, implant application is necessary. Because the teeth behind the missing teeth will cover the missing tooth area over time. The tooth opposite the missing tooth area elongates, while the adjacent teeth lie towards the missing tooth area. This leads to the deterioration of the position of the teeth in the mouth. At the same time, it causes gingival problems in the missing tooth area, poor hygiene, dental caries and ultimately the loss of healthy teeth. As a result, chewing efficiency decreases and problems may occur in the jaw articulation.

In which cases can the treatment be applied?

It should not be forgotten that our teeth are an organ that affects not only our chewing but also our speech, appearance and even our personal charisma. This application can be used in cases of missing a single tooth, missing more than one tooth and complete edentulism.

Can anyone get this treatment?

As with any treatment, there are some points to be considered in this treatment too. First of all, the patients must have a normal wound healing capacity. At the same time, they should be able to provide oral hygiene and have a sufficient number of bones. Systemic disorders cannot be ignored, and the conditions that will interfere with this treatment are taken into account. If you consider yourself a candidate, your doctor will decide whether this treatment is the right choice for you.

What are the advantages of the application?

The prosthesis made on the implant, which is a solid, comfortable and reliable application, replaces the real tooth and creates the most natural structure. In the process of completing the missing teeth, healthy teeth remain untouched. It is much longer lasting than all prostheses. Also, it should not be forgotten that the effects of tooth loss will be psychological as well as physiological. Since it is a special application that replaces the natural tooth, it brings the healthiest solution to all kinds of problems caused by tooth loss.

What is Oral Implantology?

Dental implants such as plates, screws and nails are substances that created from titanium. Implants are placed in area of lost teeth and have no side effects for the organism. After completing its fusion with the bone tissue, it can function like a natural tooth. As a result, the tooth made on the implant looks like your natural tooth and shows natural performance


We can say that it is an application that considered as old as human history. At various stages of history, people have implemented different substances to their jawbone in order to function like a teeth. Today we call it Oral Implantology and with our all respect to our ancestors we use titanium metal as a substance for implant treatment. Because titanium is a metal with excellent tissue compatibility and has been used safely in many fields of medicine for centuries. After shaping as a root, cylinder or screw, titanium becomes ready for use as a dental implant after undergoing a number of special processes (special design etching, etc.).


On the other hand, physiological bone resorption as a result of tooth loss or trauma causes a decrease in the level and volume of the jawbone. This situation prevents the prosthesis to be applied to fully fulfill its function. As a result, it is inevitable to experience problems in chewing and speaking. The main goal of implant applications is to eliminate all kinds of edentulism and missing functions with implants and prostheses supported by them. In this direction, it is possible to eliminate a single missing tooth without touching the healthy adjacent teeth. In the case of a missing tooth, it is healthier to fix it by making fixed bridges with the help of implants instead of removable dentures. Also, in case of complete edentulism, fixed prostheses will be more efficient comparing with the removable prostheses (palate).

Can the treatment be applied at any age?

Yes. Only young people need to complete their bone development. This occurs until the age of 16-17 in girls and 18 in boys. There is no upper age limit for adults. It can be applied to people of all ages whose general health condition is suitable. Elderly people need this treatment more because they have more lost teeth.

Can the teeth obtained with the treatment remain in the mouth for life?

Patients who were the first to apply this treatment in history have been successfully using their implants for more than thirty years. This period depends on several variables such as general health status, daily care and cleaning of the teeth. However, as with any other medical treatment, it is not possible in principle to give a lifetime guarantee.

Are all applications successful?

For the success of the treatment, good general health (i.e. sufficient ‘healing potential’), correct diagnosis, cleaning and maintenance are required. In addition, appropriate surgery and appropriate prosthesis must be made by the physician. Also, too much smoking and/or excessive use of alcohol will negatively affect your treatment process. Depending on these factors, the success of the treatment can vary between 90-100%.

Is the application rejected by the body?

The application is mostly made of biocompatible materials called titanium. Since titanium is not a living substance, it does not cause an antigen-antibody reaction like in heart and kidney transplantations. Therefore, there can be no problem such as ’tissue rejection’.

Is there a cancer risk?

In the world of medicine and dentistry, there is not a single example of this treatment that has resulted as a cancer.

Can the implant be done for cosmetic reasons?

The main area of ​​application is the elimination of missing teeth. However, cosmetic improvements can be achieved while substituting the missing tooth.

Can a guarantee be given?

Scientific studies have shown that the success of the treatment varies between 90-100%. However, as with any medical application, it is not possible to give a guarantee for this treatment.

Will I have any discomfort during and after the operation?

The operation can be performed with local anesthesia and sedation without any pain or discomfort. General anesthesia can also be applied when necessary. After the operation, there may be a slight pain or swelling. These can be easily eliminated with painkillers and necessary precautions.

How long does it take to complete the placement operation and prosthesis?

Depending on the number of implants to be placed and the patient’s conditions, the duration of the surgery can vary from half an hour to several hours. After the operation, 3-6 months needs to pass for the implant and bone to fuse (osseointegration). Then, prostheses are placed on these implants in several sessions. If the suitable conditions can be met, prosthesis can be made without waiting.

Is the implant an expensive treatment?

Implant application requires a series of complex and long-term procedures and therefore a higher expenditure than routine dental services. In a study conducted on patients whose treatment was completed, patients stated that they got a return on their investment and would have done the same thing again if necessary.