Nowadays, one of the reasons why individuals apply to the dentist is to have an aesthetic smile. There are many parameters that affect the aesthetic appearance, such as the alignment of the teeth, shape, size, color, the color and level of the gingiva, harmony with the lips and other surrounding tissues. The aim of aesthetic dentistry is to achieve the most aesthetic result possible in line with the expectations of the individual with a multidisciplinary approach.
Initial Records
First of all, the patient who applies to the dentist with aesthetic expectations is photographed. Secondly, records that have been taken are transferred to digital media and the current situation is determined. Later on, the arrangements to be made are evaluated.
Pink Aesthetics
The gingiva can be rearranged by procedures such as gingivectomy, crown lengthening and frenectomy. Depigmentation can be applied in patients with gingival staining. If there is too much gingiva, which appears in the smile position called a gummy smile, lip repositioning can be done.
Orthodontic Treatment Requirement
If there are positional disorders in the teeth, the need for orthodontic treatment is evaluated first. Problems such as crowding and closing disorders in the teeth are tried to be eliminated with short or long-term orthodontic treatment.
Teeth Whitening
When it comes to dental aesthetics, the first thing that comes to mind is the color of the teeth. White teeth are an indispensable part of a beautiful smile. Structurally, natural teeth are rarely observed as a white. The structural features of tooth enamel and dentin determine the natural tooth color. In cases such as frequent consumption of foods and beverages with coloring properties such as cigarettes, tea, coffee, advanced age, and loss of vitality of the teeth can cause the natural tooth color to turn darker tone. The problem of discoloration of the teeth is also considered among the subjects of aesthetic dentistry.
The problem of superficial discoloration can be eliminated by calculus cleaning (detertrage) and polishing. Structural discolorations can be removed by bleaching which can be done at home or in the clinic. Teeth that have lost their vitality or changed color after root canal treatment can also be whitened with the internal bleaching method.
Teeth Whitening
Prosthetic Restorations
The priority in the treatments applied within the scope of aesthetic dentistry is to choose the option that will cause the least harm to dental health. If possible, it is aimed to achieve the result without touching the natural tooth structure at all, if not, with the minimal loss of substance.
Laminate Veneers
The substance used especially in anterior group teeth is the use of thin porcelains. In this way, both the tooth is intervened less, and the aesthetic appearance of the tooth is provided. With the special adhesives, the color permeability of the laminates is at the highest level and thus, very good results are obtained in terms of aesthetics. In this way, it is included in the commonly used restorative options. Laminas, which are produced using very sensitive techniques, are very compatible with the tooth and surrounding tissues.
Full Porcelain (Empress) Crowns
It is a porcelain with increased durability, obtained by firing glass ceramic on a crystalline ceramic core compressed under pressure, without using a metal substructure. It is made entirely of ceramic. It can also be called full porcelain teeth.
Porcelains with Zirconium Base
In porcelains with zirconium substructure, zirconium is used as substructure instead of metal. Zirconium-based porcelains are both natural and aesthetic enough to be used in anterior teeth and resistant enough to be used in posterior teeth. Therefore, zirconium-based porcelain can be safely preferred for anterior and posterior teeth.
Wax-up and mock-up works
In the next stage of the design made in the digital environment, mock-up work is done so that the physician and the patient can have a more realistic foresight about the result. In line with the data obtained, a guide called wax-up is prepared on the initial model taken from the patient’s mouth. So, this guide is transferred to the patient’s mouth with a temporary material.